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A JPEG encoder in a single C++ file ...

posted by Stephan Brumme, updated
Recently, one of my programs needed to write a few JPEG files. The obvious choice is to link against libjpeg (or even better: libjpeg-turbo).

These libraries are fast, loaded with a plethora of features and very well tested.
However, they are huge (static linking is pretty much a no-go) and their API is kind of too complicated if you "just want to save an image".

Building my own JPEG encoder

I found a great alternative on Jon Olick's website - his JPEG Writer. It's barely 336 lines of C++ code in a single file and part of the very popular stb_image_write library, too.

However, the large number of magic constants bothered me, so I started looking up their meaning and in the end wrote my own JPEG encoder from scratch.
I realized that a few things weren't optimal and/or missing in Jon's library:
It was a fun experience and I learned a lot about JPEGs and the JFIF file format.
Omar Shehata wrote a great article Unraveling the JPEG which encouraged me to rewrite major parts of toojpeg for a massive speed-up (version 1.2 and later).

Using my toojpeg library

It boils down to 3 simple steps:
  1. include the toojpeg.h header file
  2. define a callback that accept a single compressed byte
    • will be called for every byte
    • basically similar to fputc
    • ... but can be anything you like, too, e.g. send that byte via network, add it to an std::vector, ...
  3. call TooJpeg::writeJpeg()
A basic program could look like this:
hide #include "toojpeg.h" // create your RGB image auto pixels = new unsigned char[1024*768*3]; // set pixels as you like ... // ... // define a callback that accepts a single byte void writeByte(unsigned char oneByte) { fputc(oneByte, output); } // ... // and start compression ! bool ok = TooJpeg::writeJpeg(writeByte, pixels, width, height); // actually there are some optional parameters, too //bool ok = TooJpeg::writeJpeg(writeByte, pixels, width, height, isRGB, quality, downSample, comment);
A full example which creates example.jpg (click on "show" or download file):
show example.cpp // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // how to use TooJpeg: creating a JPEG file // see // compile: g++ example.cpp toojpeg.cpp -o example -std=c++11 #include "toojpeg.h" // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // use a C++ file stream #include <fstream> // output file std::ofstream myFile("example.jpg", std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::binary); // write a single byte compressed by tooJpeg void myOutput(unsigned char byte) { myFile << byte; } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int main() { // 800x600 image const auto width = 800; const auto height = 600; // RGB: one byte each for red, green, blue const auto bytesPerPixel = 3; // allocate memory auto image = new unsigned char[width * height * bytesPerPixel]; // create a nice color transition (replace with your code) for (auto y = 0; y < height; y++) for (auto x = 0; x < width; x++) { // memory location of current pixel auto offset = (y * width + x) * bytesPerPixel; // red and green fade from 0 to 255, blue is always 127 image[offset ] = 255 * x / width; image[offset + 1] = 255 * y / height; image[offset + 2] = 127; } // start JPEG compression // note: myOutput is the function defined in line 18, it saves the output in example.jpg // optional parameters: const bool isRGB = true; // true = RGB image, else false = grayscale const auto quality = 90; // compression quality: 0 = worst, 100 = best, 80 to 90 are most often used const bool downsample = false; // false = save as YCbCr444 JPEG (better quality), true = YCbCr420 (smaller file) const char* comment = "TooJpeg example image"; // arbitrary JPEG comment auto ok = TooJpeg::writeJpeg(myOutput, image, width, height, isRGB, quality, downsample, comment); delete[] image; // error => exit code 1 return ok ? 0 : 1; }

The same example, but this time for grayscale images (download file):
show example-gray.cpp // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // how to use TooJpeg: creating a JPEG file // see // compile: g++ example.cpp toojpeg.cpp -o example -std=c++11 #include "toojpeg.h" // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // use a C++ file stream #include <fstream> // output file const char* filename = "example-gray.jpg"; std::ofstream myFile(filename, std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::binary); // write a single byte compressed by TooJpeg void myOutput(unsigned char byte) { myFile << byte; } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int main() { // 800x600 image const auto width = 800; const auto height = 600; // Grayscale: one byte per pixel const auto bytesPerPixel = 1; // allocate memory auto image = new unsigned char[width * height * bytesPerPixel]; // create a nice color transition (replace with your code) for (auto y = 0; y < height; y++) for (auto x = 0; x < width; x++) { // memory location of current pixel auto offset = (y * width + x) * bytesPerPixel; // red and green fade from 0 to 255, blue is always 127 auto red = 255 * x / width; auto green = 255 * y / height; image[offset] = (red + green) / 2;; } // start JPEG compression // note: myOutput is the function defined in line 18, it saves the output in example.jpg // optional parameters: const bool isRGB = false; // true = RGB image, else false = grayscale const auto quality = 90; // compression quality: 0 = worst, 100 = best, 80 to 90 are most often used const bool downsample = false; // false = save as YCbCr444 JPEG (better quality), true = YCbCr420 (smaller file) const char* comment = "TooJpeg example image"; // arbitrary JPEG comment auto ok = TooJpeg::writeJpeg(myOutput, image, width, height, isRGB, quality, downsample, comment); delete[] image; // error => exit code 1 return ok ? 0 : 1; }

Feature Comparison

toojpeg jp_jpeg jpge libjpeg-turbo
language C++11 C++ C++ C
free software yes yes yes yes
lines of code 666 336 1038 several thousand
no OS specific code
("is portable")
yes yes yes yes
(plus hand-coded assembler optimizations)
support YCbCr444 format yes yes yes yes
support YCbCr420 format yes no yes yes
support Y-only format (grayscale) yes no (always YCbCr444) yes yes
DCT data type floating-point floating-point integer floating-point and integer
adaptive Huffman codes no no yes (optional) yes (optional)
progressive JPEGs no no no yes
tons of other JPEG formats,
e.g. arithmetic coding
no no no yes
needs heap memory no no yes yes
All libraries compile "out-of-the-box" with GCC, CLang and Visual C++ (other compilers not tested / not available to me).


I downloaded a huge picture from NASA's Blue Marble web site (21600x10800 pixels, click on the preview image):

This TIFF image was converted to PPM (about 700 MByte) so that I could write a simple converter PPM → JPEG based on the three aforementioned libraries.
The tests ran on a Core i7 2600K:

Blue Marble, YCbCr444 (x64) (smaller is better/faster) 1s 2s 3s 4s 5s 6s 7s jo_jpeg jpge v1.0 v1.2 v1.3 v1.4/v1.5 toojpeg libjpeg-turbo Blue Marble, YCbCr420 (x64) (smaller is better/faster) 1s 2s 3s 4s 5s 6s 7s jo_jpeg jpge v1.0 v1.2 v1.3 v1.4/v1.5 toojpeg libjpeg-turbo Blue Marble, grayscale (x64) (smaller is better/faster) 1s 2s 3s 4s 5s 6s 7s jo_jpeg* jpge v1.0 v1.2 v1.3 v1.4/v1.5 toojpeg libjpeg-turbo
Core i7 quality=90, YCbCr444 quality=90, YCbCr420 quality=90, grayscale
toojpeg 1.4/1.5 3.6 seconds37,870,676 bytes64.8 MPixel/s 2.4 seconds27,790,721 bytes97.2 MPixel/s 1.4 seconds24,500,009 bytes166.6 MPixel/s
jo_jpeg 6.7 seconds37,869,843 bytes34.8 MPixel/s n/a 5.8 seconds28,143,622 bytes40.2 MPixel/s
jpge 5.5 seconds38,701,760 bytes42.4 MPixel/s 3.3 seconds28,329,269 bytes70.7 MPixel/s 2.1 seconds24,904,332 bytes111.1 MPixel/s
libjpeg-turbo 2.0.1 2.0 seconds38,115,886 bytes116.6 MPixel/s 1.2 seconds27,942,330 bytes194.4 MPixel/s 0.9 seconds24,589,888 bytes259.2 MPixel/s
Note: Edit June 2019: I was benchmarking a smaller version - with 8192x4096 pixels - of the Blue Marble image on a Raspberry Pi 3 B (2016 model) using the default Raspbian OS.
... and apparently, the Raspi's ARM chip doesn't like the toojpeg 1.3 RGB-2-YCbCr conversion routines :-(

While the desktop PC's x64 tests showed a significant performance improvement over version 1.2 (especially YCbCr420), all ARM/RaspberryPi numbers became worse.
Curiously, the initial version 1.0 of toojpeg turned out to be the best for YCbCr420.
toojpeg 1.4 fixed this issue (well, YCbCr444 is still ≈5% slower than version 1.0 but YCbCr420 became ≈10% faster) without any negative effects on x64 systems.
Please note that the toojpeg 1.4 Raspberry binary is several kB smaller than version 1.0, too (GCC 6.3: ≈19kB vs. ≈23kB).
It seems GCC6 was able to follow a more aggressive inlining strategy with toojpeg 1.0 compared to 1.3 (and 1.4).
Raspberry Pi 3 B
(32 bit mode)
quality=90, YCbCr444 quality=90, YCbCr420 quality=90, grayscale
toojpeg 1.0 5.2 seconds 6.5 MPixel/s 4.0 seconds 8.4 MPixel/s 2.0 seconds 16.8 MPixel/s
toojpeg 1.3 6.7 seconds5,694,094 bytes5.0 MPixel/s 4.5 seconds4,313,780 bytes7.5 MPixel/s 2.5 seconds3,815,017 bytes13.4 MPixel/s
toojpeg 1.4 5.5 seconds6.1 MPixel/s 3.6 seconds9.3 MPixel/s 2.0 seconds16.8 MPixel/s
jo_jpeg 6.7 seconds5,694,327 bytes5.0 MPixel/s n/a 6.0 seconds4,339,017 bytes5.6 MPixel/s
jpge 6.2 seconds5,815,778 bytes5.4 MPixel/s 4.1 seconds4,395,313 bytes8.2 MPixel/s 3.3 seconds4,021,433 bytes10.2 MPixel/s
libjpeg-turbo 1.5.1 3.0 seconds5,731,180 bytes11.2 MPixel/s 1.8 seconds4,336,043 bytes18.6 MPixel/s 1.1 seconds3,828,629 bytes30.5 MPixel/s
Edit August 2019: Ubuntu released a AArch64 version for the Raspberry Pi. While it's CPU is a 64 bit design, the Raspbian Linux still runs in emulated 32 bit mode.
And performance figures are completely different in AArch64 mode (and compiled with the newer G++ 8) !
The sudden "performance degradation" of toojpeg 1.3 on the Raspi is barely visible; each toojpeg version is faster than its predecessor in almost every aspect.

The table below shows the improvement of the 64 bit version compared to the same sources compiled in 32 bit mode.
Notice that the other JPEG libs became faster, too. Especially jpge enjoys a major performance boost and is pretty much as fast as the lastest toojpeg release.
Raspberry Pi 3 B
(AArch64 mode)
quality=90, YCbCr444 quality=90, YCbCr420 quality=90, grayscale
toojpeg 1.0 4.6 seconds13% faster7.3 MPixel/s 3.8 seconds5% faster8.8 MPixel/s 2.0 seconds(same speed)16.8 MPixel/s
toojpeg 1.3 4.9 seconds37% faster6.8 MPixel/s 3.6 seconds25% faster9.3 MPixel/s 2.0 seconds25% faster16.8 MPixel/s
toojpeg 1.4 3.8 seconds45% faster8.8 MPixel/s 2.6 seconds38% faster12.9 MPixel/s 1.4 seconds43% faster24.0 MPixel/s
jo_jpeg 5.0 seconds34% faster6.7 MPixel/s n/a 4.6 seconds30% faster7.3 MPixel/s
jpge 3.9 seconds59% faster8.6 MPixel/s 2.6 seconds58% faster12.9 MPixel/s 1.5 seconds120% faster22.4 MPixel/s
libjpeg-turbo 1.5.1 1.7 seconds76% faster19.7 MPixel/s 1.0 seconds80% faster33.6 MPixel/s 0.7 seconds57% faster47.9 MPixel/s

Binary size

Compiling a simple example program for x64:
toojpeg 1.3 jo_jpeg jpge libjpeg-turbo 2.0.1 (uncompressed)
preprocessor symbol
in example program
#define USE_TOOJPEG #define USE_JOJPEG #define USE_JPGE #define USE_LIBJPEG #define USE_RAW
G++ 8 -O3 -s 18,536 bytes 26,736 bytes 55,888 bytes 10,408 bytes plus lib 6,248 bytes
G++ 8 -Os -s 10,344 bytes 14,464 bytes 19,024 bytes 6,312 bytes plus lib 6,248 bytes
CLang++ 4.2 -O3 -s 12,952 bytes 16,712 bytes 28,504 bytes 6,800 bytes plus lib 5,128 bytes
CLang++ 4.2 -Os -s 11,160 bytes 13,992 bytes 20,424 bytes 6,800 bytes plus lib 5,112 bytes


In toojpeg 1.0 and 1.1, I used the RGB-to-YUV constants from ITU-R BT.601 (which have six decimal positions, e.g. listed on Wikipedia).
ITU-T T.871 (page 4) recommends only 4 decimal positions, just like the JFIF 1.02 specification (page 3).
The source code of libjpeg-turbo comes with a detailled explaination how to derive all these conversion constants and lists them with 9 decimal positions.
Older versions of libjpeg had just 5 decimals (which is more than enough for their 16 bit fixed-point arithmetic).
Practically speaking, visual differences are non-existing on small and medium-sized images.

In order to allow my library's output to be bit-identical to Jon's jo_jpeg, I decided to switch to the "5-digits" constants in version 1.2:
float rgb2y (float r, float g, float b) { return +0.299f * r +0.587f * g +0.114f * b; } float rgb2cb(float r, float g, float b) { return -0.16874f * r -0.33126f * g +0.5f * b; } float rgb2cr(float r, float g, float b) { return +0.5f * r -0.41869f * g -0.08131f * b; }

Another set of magic constants are the so-called eight "AAN Scaling Factors". They are part of the DCT and can be precomputed as follows:

AanScaleFactors[0] = 1
AanScaleFactors[k=0..7] = cos(k⋅π/16)√2

which is:
const auto SqrtHalfSqrt = 1.306562965f; // sqrt((2 + sqrt(2)) / 2) = cos(pi * 1 / 8) * sqrt(2) const auto InvSqrtSqrt = 0.541196100f; // 1 / sqrt(2 - sqrt(2)) = cos(pi * 3 / 8) * sqrt(2) const float AanScaleFactors[8] = { 1, 1.387039845f, SqrtHalfSqrt, 1.175875602f, 1, 0.785694958f, InvSqrtSqrt, 0.275899379f };
Each element of the luminance and chrominance quantization matrices is divided by the product of two AAN Scaling Factors and the number 8:
auto factor = 1 / (AanScaleFactors[row] * AanScaleFactors[column] * 8);
Jon's code avoids multiplying by 8 and instead pre-multiplied each AAN Scaling Factor by √8 which mathematically correct.
However small rounding effects cause his constants to be slightly off on certain images (such as the Blue Marble).

If you replace my more accurate constants by his (see my code comments in line ≈520) then toojpeg's output becomes bitwise identical to jo_jpeg.
(note: this applies only to YCbCr444 images because his grayscale images contain useless Cb and Cr data which my library avoids)

Source Code

Click on the green bars to view my library's source code in your browser:
hide toojpeg.h // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // toojpeg.h // written by Stephan Brumme, 2018-2019 // see // // This is a compact baseline JPEG/JFIF writer, written in C++ (but looks like C for the most part). // Its interface has only one function: writeJpeg() - and that's it ! // // basic example: // => create an image with any content you like, e.g. 1024x768, RGB = 3 bytes per pixel // auto pixels = new unsigned char[1024*768*3]; // => you need to define a callback that receives the compressed data byte-by-byte from my JPEG writer // void myOutput(unsigned char oneByte) { fputc(oneByte, myFileHandle); } // save byte to file // => let's go ! // TooJpeg::writeJpeg(myOutput, mypixels, 1024, 768); #pragma once namespace TooJpeg { // write one byte (to disk, memory, ...) typedef void (*WRITE_ONE_BYTE)(unsigned char); // this callback is called for every byte generated by the encoder and behaves similar to fputc // if you prefer stylish C++11 syntax then it can be a lambda, too: // auto myOutput = [](unsigned char oneByte) { fputc(oneByte, output); }; // output - callback that stores a single byte (writes to disk, memory, ...) // pixels - stored in RGB format or grayscale, stored from upper-left to lower-right // width,height - image size // isRGB - true if RGB format (3 bytes per pixel); false if grayscale (1 byte per pixel) // quality - between 1 (worst) and 100 (best) // downsample - if true then YCbCr 4:2:0 format is used (smaller size, minor quality loss) instead of 4:4:4, not relevant for grayscale // comment - optional JPEG comment (0/NULL if no comment), must not contain ASCII code 0xFF bool writeJpeg(WRITE_ONE_BYTE output, const void* pixels, unsigned short width, unsigned short height, bool isRGB = true, unsigned char quality = 90, bool downsample = false, const char* comment = nullptr); } // namespace TooJpeg // My main inspiration was Jon Olick's Minimalistic JPEG writer // ( => direct link is ). // However, his code documentation is quite sparse - probably because it wasn't written from scratch and is (quote:) "based on a javascript jpeg writer", // most likely Andreas Ritter's code: // // Therefore I wrote the whole lib from scratch and tried hard to add tons of comments to my code, especially describing where all those magic numbers come from. // And I managed to remove the need for any external includes ... // yes, that's right: my library has no (!) includes at all, not even #include <stdlib.h> // Depending on your callback WRITE_ONE_BYTE, the library writes either to disk, or in-memory, or wherever you wish. // Moreover, no dynamic memory allocations are performed, just a few bytes on the stack. // // In contrast to Jon's code, compression can be significantly improved in many use cases: // a) grayscale JPEG images need just a single Y channel, no need to save the superfluous Cb + Cr channels // b) YCbCr 4:2:0 downsampling is often about 20% more efficient (=smaller) than the default YCbCr 4:4:4 with only little visual loss // // TooJpeg 1.2+ compresses about twice as fast as jo_jpeg (and about half as fast as libjpeg-turbo). // A few benchmark numbers can be found on my website // // Last but not least you can optionally add a JPEG comment. // // Your C++ compiler needs to support a reasonable subset of C++11 (g++ 4.7 or Visual C++ 2013 are sufficient). // I haven't tested the code on big-endian systems or anything that smells like an apple. // // USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Because you are a brave soul :-)
show toojpeg.cpp // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // toojpeg.cpp // written by Stephan Brumme, 2018-2019 // see // #include "toojpeg.h" // - the "official" specifications: and // - Wikipedia has a short description of the JFIF/JPEG file format: // - the popular STB Image library includes Jon's JPEG encoder as well: // - the most readable JPEG book (from a developer's perspective) is Miano's "Compressed Image File Formats" (1999, ISBN 0-201-60443-4), // used copies are really cheap nowadays and include a CD with C++ sources as well (plus great format descriptions of GIF & PNG) // - much more detailled is Mitchell/Pennebaker's "JPEG: Still Image Data Compression Standard" (1993, ISBN 0-442-01272-1) // which contains the official JPEG standard, too - fun fact: I bought a signed copy in a second-hand store without noticing namespace // anonymous namespace to hide local functions / constants / etc. { // //////////////////////////////////////// // data types using uint8_t = unsigned char; using uint16_t = unsigned short; using int16_t = short; using int32_t = int; // at least four bytes // //////////////////////////////////////// // constants // quantization tables from JPEG Standard, Annex K const uint8_t DefaultQuantLuminance[8*8] = { 16, 11, 10, 16, 24, 40, 51, 61, // there are a few experts proposing slightly more efficient values, 12, 12, 14, 19, 26, 58, 60, 55, // e.g. 14, 13, 16, 24, 40, 57, 69, 56, // btw: Google's Guetzli project optimizes the quantization tables per image 14, 17, 22, 29, 51, 87, 80, 62, 18, 22, 37, 56, 68,109,103, 77, 24, 35, 55, 64, 81,104,113, 92, 49, 64, 78, 87,103,121,120,101, 72, 92, 95, 98,112,100,103, 99 }; const uint8_t DefaultQuantChrominance[8*8] = { 17, 18, 24, 47, 99, 99, 99, 99, 18, 21, 26, 66, 99, 99, 99, 99, 24, 26, 56, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 47, 66, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99 }; // 8x8 blocks are processed in zig-zag order // most encoders use a zig-zag "forward" table, I switched to its inverse for performance reasons // note: ZigZagInv[ZigZag[i]] = i const uint8_t ZigZagInv[8*8] = { 0, 1, 8,16, 9, 2, 3,10, // ZigZag[] = 0, 1, 5, 6,14,15,27,28, 17,24,32,25,18,11, 4, 5, // 2, 4, 7,13,16,26,29,42, 12,19,26,33,40,48,41,34, // 3, 8,12,17,25,30,41,43, 27,20,13, 6, 7,14,21,28, // 9,11,18,24,31,40,44,53, 35,42,49,56,57,50,43,36, // 10,19,23,32,39,45,52,54, 29,22,15,23,30,37,44,51, // 20,22,33,38,46,51,55,60, 58,59,52,45,38,31,39,46, // 21,34,37,47,50,56,59,61, 53,60,61,54,47,55,62,63 }; // 35,36,48,49,57,58,62,63 // static Huffman code tables from JPEG standard Annex K // - CodesPerBitsize tables define how many Huffman codes will have a certain bitsize (plus 1 because there nothing with zero bits), // e.g. DcLuminanceCodesPerBitsize[2] = 5 because there are 5 Huffman codes being 2+1=3 bits long // - Values tables are a list of values ordered by their Huffman code bitsize, // e.g. AcLuminanceValues => Huffman(0x01,0x02 and 0x03) will have 2 bits, Huffman(0x00) will have 3 bits, Huffman(0x04,0x11 and 0x05) will have 4 bits, ... // Huffman definitions for first DC/AC tables (luminance / Y channel) const uint8_t DcLuminanceCodesPerBitsize[16] = { 0,1,5,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 }; // sum = 12 const uint8_t DcLuminanceValues [12] = { 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 }; // => 12 codes const uint8_t AcLuminanceCodesPerBitsize[16] = { 0,2,1,3,3,2,4,3,5,5,4,4,0,0,1,125 }; // sum = 162 const uint8_t AcLuminanceValues [162] = // => 162 codes { 0x01,0x02,0x03,0x00,0x04,0x11,0x05,0x12,0x21,0x31,0x41,0x06,0x13,0x51,0x61,0x07,0x22,0x71,0x14,0x32,0x81,0x91,0xA1,0x08, // 16*10+2 symbols because 0x23,0x42,0xB1,0xC1,0x15,0x52,0xD1,0xF0,0x24,0x33,0x62,0x72,0x82,0x09,0x0A,0x16,0x17,0x18,0x19,0x1A,0x25,0x26,0x27,0x28, // upper 4 bits can be 0..F 0x29,0x2A,0x34,0x35,0x36,0x37,0x38,0x39,0x3A,0x43,0x44,0x45,0x46,0x47,0x48,0x49,0x4A,0x53,0x54,0x55,0x56,0x57,0x58,0x59, // while lower 4 bits can be 1..A 0x5A,0x63,0x64,0x65,0x66,0x67,0x68,0x69,0x6A,0x73,0x74,0x75,0x76,0x77,0x78,0x79,0x7A,0x83,0x84,0x85,0x86,0x87,0x88,0x89, // plus two special codes 0x00 and 0xF0 0x8A,0x92,0x93,0x94,0x95,0x96,0x97,0x98,0x99,0x9A,0xA2,0xA3,0xA4,0xA5,0xA6,0xA7,0xA8,0xA9,0xAA,0xB2,0xB3,0xB4,0xB5,0xB6, // order of these symbols was determined empirically by JPEG committee 0xB7,0xB8,0xB9,0xBA,0xC2,0xC3,0xC4,0xC5,0xC6,0xC7,0xC8,0xC9,0xCA,0xD2,0xD3,0xD4,0xD5,0xD6,0xD7,0xD8,0xD9,0xDA,0xE1,0xE2, 0xE3,0xE4,0xE5,0xE6,0xE7,0xE8,0xE9,0xEA,0xF1,0xF2,0xF3,0xF4,0xF5,0xF6,0xF7,0xF8,0xF9,0xFA }; // Huffman definitions for second DC/AC tables (chrominance / Cb and Cr channels) const uint8_t DcChrominanceCodesPerBitsize[16] = { 0,3,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0 }; // sum = 12 const uint8_t DcChrominanceValues [12] = { 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 }; // => 12 codes (identical to DcLuminanceValues) const uint8_t AcChrominanceCodesPerBitsize[16] = { 0,2,1,2,4,4,3,4,7,5,4,4,0,1,2,119 }; // sum = 162 const uint8_t AcChrominanceValues [162] = // => 162 codes { 0x00,0x01,0x02,0x03,0x11,0x04,0x05,0x21,0x31,0x06,0x12,0x41,0x51,0x07,0x61,0x71,0x13,0x22,0x32,0x81,0x08,0x14,0x42,0x91, // same number of symbol, just different order 0xA1,0xB1,0xC1,0x09,0x23,0x33,0x52,0xF0,0x15,0x62,0x72,0xD1,0x0A,0x16,0x24,0x34,0xE1,0x25,0xF1,0x17,0x18,0x19,0x1A,0x26, // (which is more efficient for AC coding) 0x27,0x28,0x29,0x2A,0x35,0x36,0x37,0x38,0x39,0x3A,0x43,0x44,0x45,0x46,0x47,0x48,0x49,0x4A,0x53,0x54,0x55,0x56,0x57,0x58, 0x59,0x5A,0x63,0x64,0x65,0x66,0x67,0x68,0x69,0x6A,0x73,0x74,0x75,0x76,0x77,0x78,0x79,0x7A,0x82,0x83,0x84,0x85,0x86,0x87, 0x88,0x89,0x8A,0x92,0x93,0x94,0x95,0x96,0x97,0x98,0x99,0x9A,0xA2,0xA3,0xA4,0xA5,0xA6,0xA7,0xA8,0xA9,0xAA,0xB2,0xB3,0xB4, 0xB5,0xB6,0xB7,0xB8,0xB9,0xBA,0xC2,0xC3,0xC4,0xC5,0xC6,0xC7,0xC8,0xC9,0xCA,0xD2,0xD3,0xD4,0xD5,0xD6,0xD7,0xD8,0xD9,0xDA, 0xE2,0xE3,0xE4,0xE5,0xE6,0xE7,0xE8,0xE9,0xEA,0xF2,0xF3,0xF4,0xF5,0xF6,0xF7,0xF8,0xF9,0xFA }; const int16_t CodeWordLimit = 2048; // +/-2^11, maximum value after DCT // //////////////////////////////////////// // structs // represent a single Huffman code struct BitCode { BitCode() = default; // undefined state, must be initialized at a later time BitCode(uint16_t code_, uint8_t numBits_) : code(code_), numBits(numBits_) {} uint16_t code; // JPEG's Huffman codes are limited to 16 bits uint8_t numBits; // number of valid bits }; // wrapper for bit output operations struct BitWriter { // user-supplied callback that writes/stores one byte TooJpeg::WRITE_ONE_BYTE output; // initialize writer explicit BitWriter(TooJpeg::WRITE_ONE_BYTE output_) : output(output_) {} // store the most recently encoded bits that are not written yet struct BitBuffer { int32_t data = 0; // actually only at most 24 bits are used uint8_t numBits = 0; // number of valid bits (the right-most bits) } buffer; // write Huffman bits stored in BitCode, keep excess bits in BitBuffer BitWriter& operator<<(const BitCode& data) { // append the new bits to those bits leftover from previous call(s) buffer.numBits += data.numBits; <<= data.numBits; |= data.code; // write all "full" bytes while (buffer.numBits >= 8) { // extract highest 8 bits buffer.numBits -= 8; auto oneByte = uint8_t( >> buffer.numBits); output(oneByte); if (oneByte == 0xFF) // 0xFF has a special meaning for JPEGs (it's a block marker) output(0); // therefore pad a zero to indicate "nope, this one ain't a marker, it's just a coincidence" // note: I don't clear those written bits, therefore buffer.bits may contain garbage in the high bits // if you really want to "clean up" (e.g. for debugging purposes) then uncomment the following line //buffer.bits &= (1 << buffer.numBits) - 1; } return *this; } // write all non-yet-written bits, fill gaps with 1s (that's a strange JPEG thing) void flush() { // at most seven set bits needed to "fill" the last byte: 0x7F = binary 0111 1111 *this << BitCode(0x7F, 7); // I should set buffer.numBits = 0 but since there are no single bits written after flush() I can safely ignore it } // NOTE: all the following BitWriter functions IGNORE the BitBuffer and write straight to output ! // write a single byte BitWriter& operator<<(uint8_t oneByte) { output(oneByte); return *this; } // write an array of bytes template <typename T, int Size> BitWriter& operator<<(T (&manyBytes)[Size]) { for (auto c : manyBytes) output(c); return *this; } // start a new JFIF block void addMarker(uint8_t id, uint16_t length) { output(0xFF); output(id); // ID, always preceded by 0xFF output(uint8_t(length >> 8)); // length of the block (big-endian, includes the 2 length bytes as well) output(uint8_t(length & 0xFF)); } }; // //////////////////////////////////////// // functions / templates // same as std::min() template <typename Number> Number minimum(Number value, Number maximum) { return value <= maximum ? value : maximum; } // restrict a value to the interval [minimum, maximum] template <typename Number, typename Limit> Number clamp(Number value, Limit minValue, Limit maxValue) { if (value <= minValue) return minValue; // never smaller than the minimum if (value >= maxValue) return maxValue; // never bigger than the maximum return value; // value was inside interval, keep it } // convert from RGB to YCbCr, constants are similar to ITU-R, see float rgb2y (float r, float g, float b) { return +0.299f * r +0.587f * g +0.114f * b; } float rgb2cb(float r, float g, float b) { return -0.16874f * r -0.33126f * g +0.5f * b; } float rgb2cr(float r, float g, float b) { return +0.5f * r -0.41869f * g -0.08131f * b; } // forward DCT computation "in one dimension" (fast AAN algorithm by Arai, Agui and Nakajima: "A fast DCT-SQ scheme for images") void DCT(float block[8*8], uint8_t stride) // stride must be 1 (=horizontal) or 8 (=vertical) { const auto SqrtHalfSqrt = 1.306562965f; // sqrt((2 + sqrt(2)) / 2) = cos(pi * 1 / 8) * sqrt(2) const auto InvSqrt = 0.707106781f; // 1 / sqrt(2) = cos(pi * 2 / 8) const auto HalfSqrtSqrt = 0.382683432f; // sqrt(2 - sqrt(2)) / 2 = cos(pi * 3 / 8) const auto InvSqrtSqrt = 0.541196100f; // 1 / sqrt(2 - sqrt(2)) = cos(pi * 3 / 8) * sqrt(2) // modify in-place auto& block0 = block[0 ]; auto& block1 = block[1 * stride]; auto& block2 = block[2 * stride]; auto& block3 = block[3 * stride]; auto& block4 = block[4 * stride]; auto& block5 = block[5 * stride]; auto& block6 = block[6 * stride]; auto& block7 = block[7 * stride]; // based on , the original variable names can be found in my comments auto add07 = block0 + block7; auto sub07 = block0 - block7; // tmp0, tmp7 auto add16 = block1 + block6; auto sub16 = block1 - block6; // tmp1, tmp6 auto add25 = block2 + block5; auto sub25 = block2 - block5; // tmp2, tmp5 auto add34 = block3 + block4; auto sub34 = block3 - block4; // tmp3, tmp4 auto add0347 = add07 + add34; auto sub07_34 = add07 - add34; // tmp10, tmp13 ("even part" / "phase 2") auto add1256 = add16 + add25; auto sub16_25 = add16 - add25; // tmp11, tmp12 block0 = add0347 + add1256; block4 = add0347 - add1256; // "phase 3" auto z1 = (sub16_25 + sub07_34) * InvSqrt; // all temporary z-variables kept their original names block2 = sub07_34 + z1; block6 = sub07_34 - z1; // "phase 5" auto sub23_45 = sub25 + sub34; // tmp10 ("odd part" / "phase 2") auto sub12_56 = sub16 + sub25; // tmp11 auto sub01_67 = sub16 + sub07; // tmp12 auto z5 = (sub23_45 - sub01_67) * HalfSqrtSqrt; auto z2 = sub23_45 * InvSqrtSqrt + z5; auto z3 = sub12_56 * InvSqrt; auto z4 = sub01_67 * SqrtHalfSqrt + z5; auto z6 = sub07 + z3; // z11 ("phase 5") auto z7 = sub07 - z3; // z13 block1 = z6 + z4; block7 = z6 - z4; // "phase 6" block5 = z7 + z2; block3 = z7 - z2; } // run DCT, quantize and write Huffman bit codes int16_t encodeBlock(BitWriter& writer, float block[8][8], const float scaled[8*8], int16_t lastDC, const BitCode huffmanDC[256], const BitCode huffmanAC[256], const BitCode* codewords) { // "linearize" the 8x8 block, treat it as a flat array of 64 floats auto block64 = (float*) block; // DCT: rows for (auto offset = 0; offset < 8; offset++) DCT(block64 + offset*8, 1); // DCT: columns for (auto offset = 0; offset < 8; offset++) DCT(block64 + offset*1, 8); // scale for (auto i = 0; i < 8*8; i++) block64[i] *= scaled[i]; // encode DC (the first coefficient is the "average color" of the 8x8 block) auto DC = int(block64[0] + (block64[0] >= 0 ? +0.5f : -0.5f)); // C++11's nearbyint() achieves a similar effect // quantize and zigzag the other 63 coefficients auto posNonZero = 0; // find last coefficient which is not zero (because trailing zeros are encoded differently) int16_t quantized[8*8]; for (auto i = 1; i < 8*8; i++) // start at 1 because block64[0]=DC was already processed { auto value = block64[ZigZagInv[i]]; // round to nearest integer quantized[i] = int(value + (value >= 0 ? +0.5f : -0.5f)); // C++11's nearbyint() achieves a similar effect // remember offset of last non-zero coefficient if (quantized[i] != 0) posNonZero = i; } // same "average color" as previous block ? auto diff = DC - lastDC; if (diff == 0) writer << huffmanDC[0x00]; // yes, write a special short symbol else { auto bits = codewords[diff]; // nope, encode the difference to previous block's average color writer << huffmanDC[bits.numBits] << bits; } // encode ACs (quantized[1..63]) auto offset = 0; // upper 4 bits count the number of consecutive zeros for (auto i = 1; i <= posNonZero; i++) // quantized[0] was already written, skip all trailing zeros, too { // zeros are encoded in a special way while (quantized[i] == 0) // found another zero ? { offset += 0x10; // add 1 to the upper 4 bits // split into blocks of at most 16 consecutive zeros if (offset > 0xF0) // remember, the counter is in the upper 4 bits, 0xF = 15 { writer << huffmanAC[0xF0]; // 0xF0 is a special code for "16 zeros" offset = 0; } i++; } auto encoded = codewords[quantized[i]]; // combine number of zeros with the number of bits of the next non-zero value writer << huffmanAC[offset + encoded.numBits] << encoded; // and the value itself offset = 0; } // send end-of-block code (0x00), only needed if there are trailing zeros if (posNonZero < 8*8 - 1) // = 63 writer << huffmanAC[0x00]; return DC; } // Jon's code includes the pre-generated Huffman codes // I don't like these "magic constants" and compute them on my own :-) void generateHuffmanTable(const uint8_t numCodes[16], const uint8_t* values, BitCode result[256]) { // process all bitsizes 1 thru 16, no JPEG Huffman code is allowed to exceed 16 bits auto huffmanCode = 0; for (auto numBits = 1; numBits <= 16; numBits++) { // ... and each code of these bitsizes for (auto i = 0; i < numCodes[numBits - 1]; i++) // note: numCodes array starts at zero, but smallest bitsize is 1 result[*values++] = BitCode(huffmanCode++, numBits); // next Huffman code needs to be one bit wider huffmanCode <<= 1; } } } // end of anonymous namespace // -------------------- externally visible code -------------------- namespace TooJpeg { // the only exported function ... bool writeJpeg(WRITE_ONE_BYTE output, const void* pixels_, unsigned short width, unsigned short height, bool isRGB, unsigned char quality_, bool downsample, const char* comment) { // reject invalid pointers if (output == nullptr || pixels_ == nullptr) return false; // check image format if (width == 0 || height == 0) return false; // number of components const auto numComponents = isRGB ? 3 : 1; // note: if there is just one component (=grayscale), then only luminance needs to be stored in the file // thus everything related to chrominance need not to be written to the JPEG // I still compute a few things, like quantization tables to avoid a complete code mess // grayscale images can't be downsampled (because there are no Cb + Cr channels) if (!isRGB) downsample = false; // wrapper for all output operations BitWriter bitWriter(output); // //////////////////////////////////////// // JFIF headers const uint8_t HeaderJfif[2+2+16] = { 0xFF,0xD8, // SOI marker (start of image) 0xFF,0xE0, // JFIF APP0 tag 0,16, // length: 16 bytes (14 bytes payload + 2 bytes for this length field) 'J','F','I','F',0, // JFIF identifier, zero-terminated 1,1, // JFIF version 1.1 0, // no density units specified 0,1,0,1, // density: 1 pixel "per pixel" horizontally and vertically 0,0 }; // no thumbnail (size 0 x 0) bitWriter << HeaderJfif; // //////////////////////////////////////// // comment (optional) if (comment != nullptr) { // look for zero terminator auto length = 0; // = strlen(comment); while (comment[length] != 0) length++; // write COM marker bitWriter.addMarker(0xFE, 2+length); // block size is number of bytes (without zero terminator) + 2 bytes for this length field // ... and write the comment itself for (auto i = 0; i < length; i++) bitWriter << comment[i]; } // //////////////////////////////////////// // adjust quantization tables to desired quality // quality level must be in 1 ... 100 auto quality = clamp<uint16_t>(quality_, 1, 100); // convert to an internal JPEG quality factor, formula taken from libjpeg quality = quality < 50 ? 5000 / quality : 200 - quality * 2; uint8_t quantLuminance [8*8]; uint8_t quantChrominance[8*8]; for (auto i = 0; i < 8*8; i++) { int luminance = (DefaultQuantLuminance [ZigZagInv[i]] * quality + 50) / 100; int chrominance = (DefaultQuantChrominance[ZigZagInv[i]] * quality + 50) / 100; // clamp to 1..255 quantLuminance [i] = clamp(luminance, 1, 255); quantChrominance[i] = clamp(chrominance, 1, 255); } // write quantization tables bitWriter.addMarker(0xDB, 2 + (isRGB ? 2 : 1) * (1 + 8*8)); // length: 65 bytes per table + 2 bytes for this length field // each table has 64 entries and is preceded by an ID byte bitWriter << 0x00 << quantLuminance; // first quantization table if (isRGB) bitWriter << 0x01 << quantChrominance; // second quantization table, only relevant for color images // //////////////////////////////////////// // write image infos (SOF0 - start of frame) bitWriter.addMarker(0xC0, 2+6+3*numComponents); // length: 6 bytes general info + 3 per channel + 2 bytes for this length field // 8 bits per channel bitWriter << 0x08 // image dimensions (big-endian) << (height >> 8) << (height & 0xFF) << (width >> 8) << (width & 0xFF); // sampling and quantization tables for each component bitWriter << numComponents; // 1 component (grayscale, Y only) or 3 components (Y,Cb,Cr) for (auto id = 1; id <= numComponents; id++) bitWriter << id // component ID (Y=1, Cb=2, Cr=3) // bitmasks for sampling: highest 4 bits: horizontal, lowest 4 bits: vertical << (id == 1 && downsample ? 0x22 : 0x11) // 0x11 is default YCbCr 4:4:4 and 0x22 stands for YCbCr 4:2:0 << (id == 1 ? 0 : 1); // use quantization table 0 for Y, table 1 for Cb and Cr // //////////////////////////////////////// // Huffman tables // DHT marker - define Huffman tables bitWriter.addMarker(0xC4, isRGB ? (2+208+208) : (2+208)); // 2 bytes for the length field, store chrominance only if needed // 1+16+12 for the DC luminance // 1+16+162 for the AC luminance (208 = 1+16+12 + 1+16+162) // 1+16+12 for the DC chrominance // 1+16+162 for the AC chrominance (208 = 1+16+12 + 1+16+162, same as above) // store luminance's DC+AC Huffman table definitions bitWriter << 0x00 // highest 4 bits: 0 => DC, lowest 4 bits: 0 => Y (baseline) << DcLuminanceCodesPerBitsize << DcLuminanceValues; bitWriter << 0x10 // highest 4 bits: 1 => AC, lowest 4 bits: 0 => Y (baseline) << AcLuminanceCodesPerBitsize << AcLuminanceValues; // compute actual Huffman code tables (see Jon's code for precalculated tables) BitCode huffmanLuminanceDC[256]; BitCode huffmanLuminanceAC[256]; generateHuffmanTable(DcLuminanceCodesPerBitsize, DcLuminanceValues, huffmanLuminanceDC); generateHuffmanTable(AcLuminanceCodesPerBitsize, AcLuminanceValues, huffmanLuminanceAC); // chrominance is only relevant for color images BitCode huffmanChrominanceDC[256]; BitCode huffmanChrominanceAC[256]; if (isRGB) { // store luminance's DC+AC Huffman table definitions bitWriter << 0x01 // highest 4 bits: 0 => DC, lowest 4 bits: 1 => Cr,Cb (baseline) << DcChrominanceCodesPerBitsize << DcChrominanceValues; bitWriter << 0x11 // highest 4 bits: 1 => AC, lowest 4 bits: 1 => Cr,Cb (baseline) << AcChrominanceCodesPerBitsize << AcChrominanceValues; // compute actual Huffman code tables (see Jon's code for precalculated tables) generateHuffmanTable(DcChrominanceCodesPerBitsize, DcChrominanceValues, huffmanChrominanceDC); generateHuffmanTable(AcChrominanceCodesPerBitsize, AcChrominanceValues, huffmanChrominanceAC); } // //////////////////////////////////////// // start of scan (there is only a single scan for baseline JPEGs) bitWriter.addMarker(0xDA, 2+1+2*numComponents+3); // 2 bytes for the length field, 1 byte for number of components, // then 2 bytes for each component and 3 bytes for spectral selection // assign Huffman tables to each component bitWriter << numComponents; for (auto id = 1; id <= numComponents; id++) // highest 4 bits: DC Huffman table, lowest 4 bits: AC Huffman table bitWriter << id << (id == 1 ? 0x00 : 0x11); // Y: tables 0 for DC and AC; Cb + Cr: tables 1 for DC and AC // constant values for our baseline JPEGs (which have a single sequential scan) static const uint8_t Spectral[3] = { 0, 63, 0 }; // spectral selection: must be from 0 to 63; successive approximation must be 0 bitWriter << Spectral; // //////////////////////////////////////// // adjust quantization tables with AAN scaling factors to simplify DCT float scaledLuminance [8*8]; float scaledChrominance[8*8]; for (auto i = 0; i < 8*8; i++) { auto row = ZigZagInv[i] / 8; // same as ZigZagInv[i] >> 3 auto column = ZigZagInv[i] % 8; // same as ZigZagInv[i] & 7 // scaling constants for AAN DCT algorithm: AanScaleFactors[0] = 1, AanScaleFactors[k=1..7] = cos(k*PI/16) * sqrt(2) static const float AanScaleFactors[8] = { 1, 1.387039845f, 1.306562965f, 1.175875602f, 1, 0.785694958f, 0.541196100f, 0.275899379f }; auto factor = 1 / (AanScaleFactors[row] * AanScaleFactors[column] * 8); scaledLuminance [ZigZagInv[i]] = factor / quantLuminance [i]; scaledChrominance[ZigZagInv[i]] = factor / quantChrominance[i]; // if you really want JPEGs that are bitwise identical to Jon Olick's code then you need slightly different formulas (note: sqrt(8) = 2.828427125f) //static const float aasf[] = { 1.0f * 2.828427125f, 1.387039845f * 2.828427125f, 1.306562965f * 2.828427125f, 1.175875602f * 2.828427125f, 1.0f * 2.828427125f, 0.785694958f * 2.828427125f, 0.541196100f * 2.828427125f, 0.275899379f * 2.828427125f }; // line 240 of jo_jpeg.cpp //scaledLuminance [ZigZagInv[i]] = 1 / (quantLuminance [i] * aasf[row] * aasf[column]); // lines 266-267 of jo_jpeg.cpp //scaledChrominance[ZigZagInv[i]] = 1 / (quantChrominance[i] * aasf[row] * aasf[column]); } // //////////////////////////////////////// // precompute JPEG codewords for quantized DCT BitCode codewordsArray[2 * CodeWordLimit]; // note: quantized[i] is found at codewordsArray[quantized[i] + CodeWordLimit] BitCode* codewords = &codewordsArray[CodeWordLimit]; // allow negative indices, so quantized[i] is at codewords[quantized[i]] uint8_t numBits = 1; // each codeword has at least one bit (value == 0 is undefined) int32_t mask = 1; // mask is always 2^numBits - 1, initial value 2^1-1 = 2-1 = 1 for (int16_t value = 1; value < CodeWordLimit; value++) { // numBits = position of highest set bit (ignoring the sign) // mask = (2^numBits) - 1 if (value > mask) // one more bit ? { numBits++; mask = (mask << 1) | 1; // append a set bit } codewords[-value] = BitCode(mask - value, numBits); // note that I use a negative index => codewords[-value] = codewordsArray[CodeWordLimit value] codewords[+value] = BitCode( value, numBits); } // just convert image data from void* auto pixels = (const uint8_t*)pixels_; // the next two variables are frequently used when checking for image borders const auto maxWidth = width - 1; // "last row" const auto maxHeight = height - 1; // "bottom line" // process MCUs (minimum codes units) => image is subdivided into a grid of 8x8 or 16x16 tiles const auto sampling = downsample ? 2 : 1; // 1x1 or 2x2 sampling const auto mcuSize = 8 * sampling; // average color of the previous MCU int16_t lastYDC = 0, lastCbDC = 0, lastCrDC = 0; // convert from RGB to YCbCr float Y[8][8], Cb[8][8], Cr[8][8]; for (auto mcuY = 0; mcuY < height; mcuY += mcuSize) // each step is either 8 or 16 (=mcuSize) for (auto mcuX = 0; mcuX < width; mcuX += mcuSize) { // YCbCr 4:4:4 format: each MCU is a 8x8 block - the same applies to grayscale images, too // YCbCr 4:2:0 format: each MCU represents a 16x16 block, stored as 4x 8x8 Y-blocks plus 1x 8x8 Cb and 1x 8x8 Cr block) for (auto blockY = 0; blockY < mcuSize; blockY += 8) // iterate once (YCbCr444 and grayscale) or twice (YCbCr420) for (auto blockX = 0; blockX < mcuSize; blockX += 8) { // now we finally have an 8x8 block ... for (auto deltaY = 0; deltaY < 8; deltaY++) { auto column = minimum(mcuX + blockX , maxWidth); // must not exceed image borders, replicate last row/column if needed auto row = minimum(mcuY + blockY + deltaY, maxHeight); for (auto deltaX = 0; deltaX < 8; deltaX++) { // find actual pixel position within the current image auto pixelPos = row * int(width) + column; // the cast ensures that we don't run into multiplication overflows if (column < maxWidth) column++; // grayscale images have solely a Y channel which can be easily derived from the input pixel by shifting it by 128 if (!isRGB) { Y[deltaY][deltaX] = pixels[pixelPos] - 128.f; continue; } // RGB: 3 bytes per pixel (whereas grayscale images have only 1 byte per pixel) auto r = pixels[3 * pixelPos ]; auto g = pixels[3 * pixelPos + 1]; auto b = pixels[3 * pixelPos + 2]; Y [deltaY][deltaX] = rgb2y (r, g, b) - 128; // again, the JPEG standard requires Y to be shifted by 128 // YCbCr444 is easy - the more complex YCbCr420 has to be computed about 20 lines below in a second pass if (!downsample) { Cb[deltaY][deltaX] = rgb2cb(r, g, b); // standard RGB-to-YCbCr conversion Cr[deltaY][deltaX] = rgb2cr(r, g, b); } } } // encode Y channel lastYDC = encodeBlock(bitWriter, Y, scaledLuminance, lastYDC, huffmanLuminanceDC, huffmanLuminanceAC, codewords); // Cb and Cr are encoded about 50 lines below } // grayscale images don't need any Cb and Cr information if (!isRGB) continue; // //////////////////////////////////////// // the following lines are only relevant for YCbCr420: // average/downsample chrominance of four pixels while respecting the image borders if (downsample) for (short deltaY = 7; downsample && deltaY >= 0; deltaY--) // iterating loop in reverse increases cache read efficiency { auto row = minimum(mcuY + 2*deltaY, maxHeight); // each deltaX/Y step covers a 2x2 area auto column = mcuX; // column is updated inside next loop auto pixelPos = (row * int(width) + column) * 3; // numComponents = 3 // deltas (in bytes) to next row / column, must not exceed image borders auto rowStep = (row < maxHeight) ? 3 * int(width) : 0; // always numComponents*width except for bottom line auto columnStep = (column < maxWidth ) ? 3 : 0; // always numComponents except for rightmost pixel for (short deltaX = 0; deltaX < 8; deltaX++) { // let's add all four samples (2x2 area) auto right = pixelPos + columnStep; auto down = pixelPos + rowStep; auto downRight = pixelPos + columnStep + rowStep; // note: cast from 8 bits to >8 bits to avoid overflows when adding auto r = short(pixels[pixelPos ]) + pixels[right ] + pixels[down ] + pixels[downRight ]; auto g = short(pixels[pixelPos + 1]) + pixels[right + 1] + pixels[down + 1] + pixels[downRight + 1]; auto b = short(pixels[pixelPos + 2]) + pixels[right + 2] + pixels[down + 2] + pixels[downRight + 2]; // convert to Cb and Cr Cb[deltaY][deltaX] = rgb2cb(r, g, b) / 4; // I still have to divide r,g,b by 4 to get their average values Cr[deltaY][deltaX] = rgb2cr(r, g, b) / 4; // it's a bit faster if done AFTER CbCr conversion // step forward to next 2x2 area pixelPos += 2*3; // 2 pixels => 6 bytes (2*numComponents) column += 2; // reached right border ? if (column >= maxWidth) { columnStep = 0; pixelPos = ((row + 1) * int(width) - 1) * 3; // same as (row * width + maxWidth) * numComponents => current's row last pixel } } } // end of YCbCr420 code for Cb and Cr // encode Cb and Cr lastCbDC = encodeBlock(bitWriter, Cb, scaledChrominance, lastCbDC, huffmanChrominanceDC, huffmanChrominanceAC, codewords); lastCrDC = encodeBlock(bitWriter, Cr, scaledChrominance, lastCrDC, huffmanChrominanceDC, huffmanChrominanceAC, codewords); } bitWriter.flush(); // now image is completely encoded, write any bits still left in the buffer // /////////////////////////// // EOI marker bitWriter << 0xFF << 0xD9; // this marker has no length, therefore I can't use addMarker() return true; } // writeJpeg() } // namespace TooJpeg
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