Interactive demos require Javascript. Anything else works.

Software License

posted by Stephan Brumme

I received many kind requests from companies willing to use code from in commercial products.
I publish my code because I believe that sharing knowledge makes this world a better place. Therefore all code will be under a zlib-style license now.
This applies to all past and future postings.

The full license can be found on In short, you can do with it whatever you want, even build commercial or military software, but please keep my name in the source code (however, no need to display it in the shipped product to the end user).
Each file's header contains a reference to the license, too:
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (c) 2013 Stephan Brumme. All rights reserved. // see //
It would be great if you publish your code, too, but that's not a requirement.

I appreciate if you send me an email with a short description of your project / product.