Sorting STL Containers
posted by Stephan Brumme,
Yes, there isstd::sort
Yes, it's pretty much the most efficient way to sort generic STL containers.
No, it's not perfect.
Improving std::sort
What if the data is already almost sorted ?std::sort
doesn't benefit a lot from processing already sorted data.
However, it's quite common to have (partially) sorted data.std::sort
requires RandomAccessIterator
which are sometimes not available for custom containers.What about
? The syntax is completely different:

std::list<int> mylist;
// ... fill mylist with data ...
// compiler error:
std::sort(mylist.begin(), mylist.end());
// must use this instead:
- can sort containers that have only basic
(Bubble Sort and Selection Sort) - most routines work with
- therefore seamless integration of
(and all other STL containers)
- data types need a less-than comparison (
); which can be user-defined, too
Algorithm | Stable ? | Iterator | Notes |
Bubble Sort | yes | forward iterator | code shown here requires bidirectional iterator, just remove both instances of --last; (will be slower then) |
Selection Sort | no | forward iterator | |
Insertion Sort | yes | bidirectional iterator | |
Shell Sort | no | bidirectional iterator | std::distance and std::advance benefit heavily from random access iterators |
Heap Sort | no | random-access iterator | my n-ary Heap Sort implementation works with bidirectional iterators, too |
Merge Sort | yes | random-access iterator | requires additional memory |
Merge Sort (in-place) | yes | forward iterator | no additional memory but slower than normal merge sort |
Quick Sort | no | bidirectional iterator | std::distance and std::advance benefit heavily from random access iterators |
Intro Sort | no | bidirectional iterator | std::distance and std::advance benefit heavily from random access iterators |
std::sort | no | random-access iterator | |
std::stable_sort | yes | random-access iterator |
The live test shows that under certain circumstances even a simple bubble-sort can outperform
.Live Tests
My server (2.5GHz Quad-Xeon, GCC -O3) sorts several typical containers instantly while you type in a container size.Javascript/Ajax needs to be enabled. The containers are identical for each sorting algorithm, even the Random Data containers.
Repeated sorts of the same container size may produce slightly different timings depending on the overall server load.
For complex data types the invokation of
and operator<
might be expensive.For example, copying a
often includes a slow memory allocation.This little interactive test let's you play around with the various algorithms.
Update October 13, 2013: You can supply your own comparison functors to each sorting routine (default is
of course).
If your compiler supports C++11, std::move
will be used
where appropriate (scroll down to the last section for details).Update February 24, 2014: I added Merge Sort and Heap Sort (incl. n-ary Heap Sort).
Update November 20, 2020: I added Intro Sort and switched completely to C++11.
Source Code
Git users: scroll down to the repository link Latest release: November 20, 2020, size: 16.1 kBytes, 607 linesCRC32:
Stay up-to-date:git clone
GitHub mirror:
If you encounter any bugs/problems or have ideas for improving future versions, please write me an email:
This code is licensed under the zlib License:This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.zlib License
- License
- zlib-style license, applies to all past and future versions
- version 7
- latest and greatest
- November 20, 2020
- switched to C++11, no support for older compilers anymore
- added intro sort
- Git tag
- version 6
- February 27, 2014
- raw pointers can be iterators, too
- avoid copying elements if possible
- add merge sort and heap sort
- Git tag
- version 5
- October 13, 2013
- C++11 support
- Git tag
- version 4
- November 9, 2011
- fixed spelling
- added Git repository
- Git tag
- version 3
- October 7, 2011
- included
- version 2
- September 22, 2011
- code formatting
- version 1
- September 7, 2011
- initial release
Bubble Sort
Bubble sort is the most simple sorting algorithm.It's actually not that bad if you sort only a few elements or if they are almost sorted.
To boost bubble sort's performance it's essential to include two optimizations:
- After each pass, the last element is in its final position.
Therefore we can decrement the
iterator after each pass. - After each pass, we check whether we
any elements. If not, the container is sorted.

/// Bubble Sort, allow user-defined less-than operator
template <typename iterator, typename LessThan>
void bubbleSort(iterator first, iterator last, LessThan lessThan)
if (first == last)
// usually "last" points beyond the last element
// now it points directly to that last element
// only one element => it's sorted
if (first == last)
bool swapped;
// reset swapped flag
swapped = false;
auto current = first;
while (current != last)
// bubble up
auto next = current;
// two neighbors in wrong order ? swap them !
if (lessThan(*next, *current))
std::iter_swap(current, next);
swapped = true;
// last element is already sorted now
--last; // remove this line if you only have a forward iterator
// last will move closer towards first
} while (swapped && first != last);
/// Bubble Sort with default less-than operator
template <typename iterator>
void bubbleSort(iterator first, iterator last)
bubbleSort(first, last, std::less<typename std::iterator_traits<iterator>::value_type>());
Selection Sort
Selection sort does have a constant runtime, independent on the previous sorting order of the container. It has the lowest number of writes among the algorithms shown here (but is not optimal while Cycle sort is). It's a good compromise for sorting on a Flash/EEPROM device.
/// Selection Sort, allow user-defined less-than operator
template <typename iterator, typename LessThan>
void selectionSort(iterator first, iterator last, LessThan lessThan)
for (iterator current = first; current != last; ++current)
// find smallest element in the unsorted part and remember its iterator in "minimum"
auto minimum = current;
auto compare = current;
// walk through all still unsorted elements
while (compare != last)
// new minimum found ? save its iterator
if (lessThan(*compare, *minimum))
minimum = compare;
// next element
// add minimum to the end of the already sorted part
if (current != minimum)
std::iter_swap(current, minimum);
/// Selection Sort with default less-than operator
template <typename iterator>
void selectionSort(iterator first, iterator last)
selectionSort(first, last, std::less<typename std::iterator_traits<iterator>::value_type>());
Insertion Sort
Insertion sort beats bubble sort in pretty much every aspect. The only reason to prefer bubble sort over insertion sort is that I can write a bug-free bubble sort even after three beers.Somehow I fail to do the same with insertion sort even though it's not that complex, too.

/// Insertion Sort, allow user-defined less-than operator
template <typename iterator, typename LessThan>
void insertionSort(iterator first, iterator last, LessThan lessThan)
if (first == last)
// skip first element, consider it as sorted
auto current = first;
// insert all remaining unsorted elements into the sorted elements
while (current != last)
// insert "compare" into the already sorted elements
auto compare = std::move(*current);
// find location inside sorted range, beginning from the right end
auto pos = current;
while (pos != first)
// stop if left neighbor is not smaller
auto left = pos;
if (!lessThan(compare, *left))
// shift that left neighbor one position to the right
*pos = std::move(*left);
pos = std::move( left); // same as --pos
// found final position
if (pos != current)
*pos = std::move(compare);
// sort next element
/// Insertion Sort with default less-than operator
template <typename iterator>
void insertionSort(iterator first, iterator last)
insertionSort(first, last, std::less<typename std::iterator_traits<iterator>::value_type>());
Shell Sort
Shell sort is based on insertion sort. It's faster when working with large containers but slower when the data is pre-sorted.
/// Shell Sort, allow user-defined less-than operator
template <typename iterator, typename LessThan>
void shellSort(iterator first, iterator last, LessThan lessThan)
auto numElements = std::distance(first, last);
if (numElements <= 1)
// sequence taken from Wikipedia (Marcin Ciura)
static const int OptimalIncrements[] =
{ 68491, 27396, 10958, 4383, 1750, 701, 301, 132, 57, 23, 10, 4, 1, 0 };
size_t increment = OptimalIncrements[0];
size_t incrementIndex = 0;
// increment must not be bigger than the number of elements to be sorted
while (increment >= numElements)
increment = OptimalIncrements[++incrementIndex];
// stumble through all increments in descending order
while (increment > 0)
auto stripe = first;
auto offset = increment;
std::advance(stripe, offset);
while (stripe != last)
// these iterators are always "increment" apart
auto right = stripe;
auto left = stripe;
std::advance(left, -int(increment));
// value to be sorted
auto compare = *right;
// note: stripe is simply the same as first + offset
// but operator+() is expensive for non-random access iterators
auto posRight = offset;
// only look at values between "first" and "last"
while (true)
// found right spot ?
if (!lessThan(compare, *left))
// no, still not correct order: shift bigger element to the right
*right = std::move(*left);
// go one step to the left
right = left;
posRight -= increment;
if (posRight < increment)
std::advance(left, -int(increment));
// found sorted position
if (posRight != offset)
*right = std::move(compare);
// next stripe
// smaller increment
increment = OptimalIncrements[incrementIndex++];
/// Shell Sort with default less-than operator
template <typename iterator>
void shellSort(iterator first, iterator last)
shellSort(first, last, std::less<typename std::iterator_traits<iterator>::value_type>());
Heap Sort
A short version of Heap sort can be written in just two lines of C++ code because of the power of the STL:
/// Heap Sort, allow user-defined less-than operator
template <typename iterator, typename LessThan>
void heapSort(iterator first, iterator last, LessThan lessThan)
// just use STL code
std::make_heap(first, last, lessThan);
std::sort_heap(first, last, lessThan);
/// Heap Sort with default less-than operator
template <typename iterator>
void heapSort(iterator first, iterator last)
// just use STL code
std::make_heap(first, last);
std::sort_heap(first, last);
n-ary Heap Sort
STL needs a random-access iterator. It's heap is a 2-ary heap, that means each node has at most two children. I wanted to explore the performance behavior of n-ary heap sort where each node may have more than two children. An 8-ary heap seems to be the sweet spot for integers. Larger values need an excessive amount of comparisons during traversal while smaller don't fully exploit the performance gain of data locality.In contrast to the STL based heap sort, a simpler bidirectional iterator is sufficient for my

/// n-ary Heap Sort, allow user-defined less-than operator
template <size_t Width, typename iterator, typename LessThan>
void naryHeapSort(iterator first, iterator last, LessThan lessThan)
// width must be at least two
if (Width < 2)
naryHeapSort<2>(first, last, lessThan);
auto numElements = std::distance(first, last);
if (numElements < 2)
// based on n-ary heap sort pseudo code from
struct SiftDown
void operator() (iterator first, size_t pos, size_t stop, LessThan lessThan)
std::advance(first, pos);
auto parent = first;
auto child = first;
auto value = std::move(*parent);
while (pos * Width + 1 < stop)
// locate children
auto increment = pos * (Width - 1) + 1;
pos += increment;
std::advance(child, increment);
// figure out how many children we have to check
auto numChildren = Width;
if (numChildren + pos > stop)
numChildren = stop - pos;
// find the biggest of them
if (numChildren > 1)
iterator scan = child;
size_t maxPos = 0;
for (size_t i = 1; i < numChildren; i++, scan++)
// element in "scan" bigger than current best ?
if (lessThan(*child, *scan))
maxPos = i;
child = scan;
pos += maxPos;
// is no child bigger than the parent ? => done
if (!lessThan(value, *child))
*parent = std::move(value);
// move biggest child one level up, parent one level down and continue
*parent = std::move(*child);
parent = child;
*child = std::move(value);
} heapify;
// build heap where the biggest elements are placed in front
size_t firstLeaf = (numElements + Width - 2) / Width;
for (size_t i = firstLeaf; i > 0; i--)
heapify(first, i - 1, numElements, lessThan);
// take heap's largest element and move it to the end
// => build sorted sequence beginning with last (= largest) element
for (auto i = numElements - 1; i > 0; i--)
std::iter_swap(first, last);
// re-adjust shrinked heap
heapify(first, 0, i, lessThan);
/// n-ary Heap Sort with default less-than operator
template <size_t Width, typename iterator>
void naryHeapSort(iterator first, iterator last)
naryHeapSort<Width, iterator>(first, last, std::less<typename std::iterator_traits<iterator>::value_type>());
is pretty much the same as a C++11 lambda.
I could have written an external function, too, but I wanted to keep the namespace clean.
Merge Sort
Unlike all other sorting algorithm shown here, Merge sort requires significant additional memory.
/// Merge Sort, allow user-defined less-than operator
template <typename iterator, typename LessThan>
void mergeSort(iterator first, iterator last, LessThan lessThan, size_t size = 0)
// determine size if not known yet
if (size == 0 && first != last)
size = std::distance(first, last);
// by the way, the size parameter can be omitted but
// then we are required to compute it each time which can be expensive
// for non-random access iterators
// one element is always sorted
if (size <= 1)
// divide into two partitions
auto firstHalf = size / 2;
auto secondHalf = size - firstHalf;
auto mid = first;
std::advance(mid, firstHalf);
// recursively sort them
mergeSort(first, mid, lessThan, firstHalf);
mergeSort(mid, last, lessThan, secondHalf);
// merge sorted partitions
std::inplace_merge(first, mid, last, lessThan);
/// Merge Sort with default less-than operator
template <typename iterator>
void mergeSort(iterator first, iterator last)
mergeSort(first, last,
std::less<typename std::iterator_traits<iterator>::value_type>());
It only differs in the final merge step which needs only a forward iterator.
The in-place Merge Sort outperforms the original version when the container is already sorted but falls behind in pretty much every other situation.
Nevertheless, it's still faster than any other algorithm for forward iterators.

/// in-place Merge Sort, allow user-defined less-than operator
template <typename iterator, typename LessThan>
void mergeSortInPlace(iterator first, iterator last, LessThan lessThan, size_t size = 0)
// determine size if not known yet
if (size == 0 && first != last)
size = std::distance(first, last);
// by the way, the size parameter can be omitted but
// then we are required to compute it each time which can be expensive
// for non-random access iterators
// one element is always sorted
if (size <= 1)
// divide into two partitions
auto firstHalf = size / 2;
auto secondHalf = size - firstHalf;
auto mid = first;
std::advance(mid, firstHalf);
// recursively sort them
mergeSortInPlace(first, mid, lessThan, firstHalf);
mergeSortInPlace(mid, last, lessThan, secondHalf);
// merge partitions (left starts at "first", right starts and "mid")
// move iterators towards the end until they meet
auto right = mid;
while (first != mid)
// next value of both partitions in wrong order (smaller one belongs to the left)
if (lessThan(*right, *first))
// this value must be moved to the right partition
auto misplaced = std::move(*first);
// this value belongs to the left partition
*first = std::move(*right);
// misplaced value must be inserted at correct position in the right partition
auto scan = right;
auto next = scan;
// move smaller one position to the left
while (next != last && lessThan(*next, misplaced))
*scan++ = std::move(*next++);
// found the spot !
*scan = std::move(misplaced);
/// in-place Merge Sort with default less-than operator
template <typename iterator>
void mergeSortInPlace(iterator first, iterator last)
mergeSortInPlace(first, last,
std::less<typename std::iterator_traits<iterator>::value_type>());
Quick Sort
Quick sort is often a major part ofstl::sort

/// Quick Sort, allow user-defined less-than operator
template <typename iterator, typename LessThan>
void quickSort(iterator first, iterator last, LessThan lessThan)
auto numElements = std::distance(first, last);
// already sorted ?
if (numElements <= 1)
auto pivot = last;
// choose middle element as pivot (good choice for partially sorted data)
if (numElements > 2)
auto middle = first;
std::advance(middle, numElements/2);
std::iter_swap(middle, pivot);
// scan beginning from left and right end and swap misplaced elements
auto left = first;
auto right = pivot;
while (left != right)
// look for mismatches
while (!lessThan(*pivot, *left) && left != right)
while (!lessThan(*right, *pivot) && left != right)
// swap two values which are both on the wrong side of the pivot element
if (left != right)
std::iter_swap(left, right);
// move pivot to its final position
if (pivot != left && lessThan(*pivot, *left))
std::iter_swap(pivot, left);
// subdivide
quickSort(first, left, lessThan);
quickSort(++left, last, lessThan); // *left itself is already sorted
/// Quick Sort with default less-than operator
template <typename iterator>
void quickSort(iterator first, iterator last)
quickSort(first, last,
std::less<typename std::iterator_traits<iterator>::value_type>());
Intro Sort
Intro sort is a modified QuickSort which switches to Insertion Sort of the number of elements is small (e.g. 16).
/// Intro Sort, allow user-defined less-than operator
template <typename iterator, typename LessThan>
void introSort(iterator first, iterator last, LessThan lessThan)
// switch to Insertion Sort if the (sub)array is small
auto numElements = std::distance(first, last);
if (numElements <= 16)
// already sorted ?
if (numElements <= 1)
// micro-optimization for exactly 2 elements
if (numElements == 2)
if (lessThan(*(first + 1), *first))
std::iter_swap(first + 1, first);
// between 3 and 16 elements
insertionSort(first, last, lessThan);
auto pivot = last;
// choose middle element as pivot (good choice for partially sorted data)
auto middle = first;
std::advance(middle, numElements/2);
std::iter_swap(middle, pivot);
// scan beginning from left and right end and swap misplaced elements
auto left = first;
auto right = pivot;
while (left != right)
// look for mismatches
while (!lessThan(*pivot, *left) && left != right)
while (!lessThan(*right, *pivot) && left != right)
// swap two values which are both on the wrong side of the pivot element
if (left != right)
std::iter_swap(left, right);
// move pivot to its final position
if (pivot != left && lessThan(*pivot, *left))
std::iter_swap(pivot, left);
// subdivide
introSort(first, left, lessThan);
introSort(++left, last, lessThan); // *left itself is already sorted
/// Intro Sort with default less-than operator
template <typename iterator>
void introSort(iterator first, iterator last)
introSort(first, last, std::less<typename std::iterator_traits<iterator>::value_type>());
Additional Test Code
I wanted to restrict my code to use only what is really needed. Therefore I wrote a short helper class that implements only the less-than operator. All sort algorithms shown on this page successfully operate on such a trimmed down data type, too:
/// provide only operator<
class Number
/// set value
Number(int x = 0) : value(x) { }
/// needed for sorting algorithms
bool operator<(const Number& other) const { return value < other.value; }
/// actually just a simple integer
int value;
which requires random-access iterators (click to open).

// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// container.h
// Copyright (c) 2014,2020 Stephan Brumme. All rights reserved.
// see
#pragma once
#include <iterator>
#include <vector>
// stored data type
typedef int Value;
// you can choose between
// - forward iterator,
// - bidirectional iterator and
// - random access iterator
// uncomment at most one line to switch between those three iterators
// forward declaration
class Container;
/// can be forward iterator, bidirectional or random access (see #define above)
class Iterator :
public std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag, int>
public std::iterator<std::bidirectional_iterator_tag, int>
public std::iterator<std::random_access_iterator_tag, int>
typedef Value value_type;
/// construct empty iterator
Iterator() : iterator() {}
/// construct new iterator
Iterator(const std::vector<Value>::iterator& ite) : iterator(ite) {}
/// only copy position, skip container
void operator=(const Iterator& other) { iterator = other.iterator; }
/// step forward (prefix)
Iterator& operator++() { ++iterator; return *this; }
/// step forward (postfix)
Iterator operator++(int) { Iterator result(*this); ++iterator; return result; }
/// step backward (prefix)
Iterator& operator--() { --iterator; return *this; }
/// step backward (postfix)
Iterator operator--(int) { Iterator result(*this); ++iterator; return result; }
/// leap forward
Iterator operator+ (std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::difference_type howFar) const
{ return iterator + howFar; }
/// leap backward
Iterator operator- (std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::difference_type howFar) const
{ return iterator - howFar; }
/// leap forward
Iterator operator+=(std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::difference_type howFar)
{ iterator += howFar; return *this; }
/// leap backward
Iterator operator-=(std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::difference_type howFar)
{ iterator -= howFar; return *this; }
/// ordered iterators
bool operator<(const Iterator& other) const { return iterator < other.iterator; }
/// ordered iterators
bool operator>(const Iterator& other) const { return iterator > other.iterator; }
/// measure distance
std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::difference_type operator-(const Iterator& other) const
{ return iterator - other.iterator; }
/// pointing to same element ?
bool operator==(const Iterator& other) const { return iterator == other.iterator; }
/// pointing to different element ?
bool operator!=(const Iterator& other) const { return iterator != other.iterator; }
/// dereference
int& operator*() { return *iterator; }
/// dereference
int operator*() const { return *iterator; }
/// has random-access iterator
std::vector<Value>::iterator iterator;
/// only implements iterators and element access
class Container
/// construct vector
explicit Container(size_t initialSize = 0) : container(initialSize) {}
/// return iterator pointing to first element
Iterator begin() { return container.begin(); }
/// return iterator pointing beyond last element
Iterator end() { return container.end(); }
/// read/write access to an element
int& operator[](size_t pos) { return container[pos]; }
/// read/write access to an element
bool operator!=(const Container& other) const { return container != other.container; }
/// actually just a simple vector
std::vector<Value> container;

/// count assignments and comparisions
class Number
/// set value
Number(int x = 0)
: value(x)
{ }
/// copy constructor is counted as an assignment
Number(const Number& other)
: value(other.value)
static int numLessThan;
/// count comparisons
bool operator<(const Number& other) const
return value < other.value;
static int numAssignments;
/// count assignments
void operator=(const Number& other)
value = other.value;
bool operator==(const Number& other) const
return value == other.value;
/// reset counters
static void reset()
numLessThan = numAssignments = 0;
/// actually just a simple integer
int value;
int Number::numLessThan = 0;
int Number::numAssignments = 0;